15 October 2011

This is the moment!

20th September 2011

Its my Birthday! thanks for all the wishes. Im still hoping the new baby will born today. But......no any sign that he will came out, until i registered to admit at HUKM around 4pm. whats a lucky no. my bed no also No. 20, im i so lucky to have this no???/ hehehehe.....still no sign maaaaaa. i do pray that i can deliver today so we can celebrate our birthday together. unfortunately, until midnight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Tomorrow must get ready to induce. 99% from the internet said is very paint full.  Aduiyhai.... im not ready for this!

21st September 2011

I already informed at 7pm that they will induce. So im not really sleep all the night. 6am I already weak up, having a bath and perform the solat before having a long rest. sharp 7am the nurse call up to see the Dr. "DR   is ready!". I went to see the Dr, alhamdullilah there no need to induce becoz its already open about 3cm - 4cm, there sending me to labour room after having my breakfirst. I sms my husband ask to take the breakfirst before he go to labour room. According to the nurse it's will open 1cm every 1 hour, my assumtion the delivery time maybe arround 1pm. 8.30am im ready to the labour waiting room.

At 10.38am a healthy baby boy was born. Alhamdulliah, he complete me as a mom....im so thankfull Allah .... amin

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